
AWS User Group Berlin - Special session “The State of Infrastructure as Code”

Title: AWS User Group Berlin Session “The State of Infrastructure as Code”

Summary: After Hashicorp’s licence change to BSL, we ran a special session to have a look at the Infrastructure as Code landscape.

The idea was to have insightful discussions with the audience about the current tooling and allow practitioners to share their experiences and discuss with others.

In the second part we had (remote) guests from various projects, giving food for thought and visions for the IaC landscape in the months ahead.

I had the pleasure to facilitate the evening together with @Sebastian Striebig and @Kristine Jetzke.

Lightning Talks
  Status Quo, Pro, Con, War stories
Food for Thought
  Winglang.io, Humanitec
Terraform, quo vadis?
  OpenTofu, Hashicorp